If you wish to add a new registration product or edit existing ones, then please follow these steps.

First, log into your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below. 

Admin Log In

Once logging in, click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Product Management".

Click on "Add Registration Product" to create a new product or the 'Edit' icon to edit an existing product.

Fill in the name of the product (you do not need to put the registration year), select your 'Parent Organisation' this is your club's association, select the 'Registration Period' the year of registrations, and the 'Registration Type' that has been created by your association. 

Once choosing your 'Registration Type' the Governing Body Fees will be pre-filled for you.

Enter in your 'Club Fee' and the 'Total Fee' will be varied as the Governing Body Fees have varying fees for different age groups (see below).

If you are wishing to have discounts available, please tick "Enable discounting" and then click on the window below 'Discount Rules' and chose the discount you wish to have available for use. If using multiple discounts, then enter in the maximum amount a participant can have discounted off their final fee. 

**Important: discounting deducts the amount of the Club Fee not the Governing Body Fees. 

Enter in the 'Description' of the product (further specific details of the product if you wish). Ensure "Active" is ticked, otherwise participants will not be able to register to it. Select the Singup Form that you have created earlier, such as Junior, Senior or Non-Player Registration Forms.

Unless otherwise specified by your association, DO NOT HAVE "Allow Professional signups" ticked. 

If the product requires a Working with Children check then tick the box next to it, add in the age constraints and gender of the product such as Mixed, Male or Female.

Please note, if you are aware of players who identify as Non-Binary/Gender Fluid' then they will only be able to register to a Mixed product, whilst if they have chosen 'Gender not sufficiently represented' then they can register for both Male, Female & Mixed products. 

**Important: please add in To/From dates of the product so that participants do not register earlier than expected and cannot register after a certain date, otherwise previous seasons registration products may appear during the registration process and confuse your participants.**

Finally, if you wish to have a certain amount of participants registering to this product then enter in a number in the 'Max number purchases' window. Once you are satisfied with editing or creating the product, then click "Save". 

If you have issues performing this, you can either either submit a support ticket by clicking here or using our contact details below.

  • Email: support@playfootball.com.au
  • Telephone: 02 8880 7983
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 10am - 5:30pm