As a club, you have two options for accepting payments on the Play Football system. You can use the 'FFA Payments' gateway which allows clubs to accept online credit/debit card payments or you can use the 'No Gateway' option which means you will not be accepting online payments. 

If you wish to utilise Play Football's online payment system and have not used it before, then you will need to be set up for online payments on IPSI. 

First, log into your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below.

Once logging in, click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Bank Account Details".

Fill in your club's bank account details in the above window, then click on "Request Update". You will be presented with the below window, click on "OK". 

Please note, providing your bank account details via the 'Bank Account Details' page does NOT set you up on the FFA payment gateway – this is simply a reference point for the support desk to troubleshoot support calls in checking for alignment in the payment gateway and registration system bank details provided. 


This will direct you to the 'Online Payment Request Form' which can also be found by clicking on this link

Fill in the required details, then click "Submit Form" at the bottom of the page. 

**Important: you have not been set up for online payments until you have received email confirmation from Play Football.

Once you have received confirmation that you have been setup online payments, you must set your signup form to "FFA PAYEMENT FFA PAYMENTS [FFA]" in 'Payment Gateway'. 

Click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Singup Form Management".

Click on the 'Edit' icon for one of your existing signup forms that you wish to accept online payments. 

Once in the signup form, scroll down to 'Payment Settings' and choose the option "FFA PAYEMENT FFA PAYMENTS [FFA]" for 'Payment Gateway'. 

You have the option as a club if you wish to pass on or absorb the transaction fee, set via ticking "Pass on transaction fee to user". You also have the option to select if you do or do not accept offline payments here.

Once you are satisfied, click on "Save" at the bottom of the form.

If your club does not wish to accept online payments then set 'Payment Gateway' to "NO GATEWAY". 

If you have issues performing this, you can either either submit a support ticket using the following link or using our contact details below.