Once you have entered the Let's PlayFootball System for the first time you will be required to create a participant record or to link your participant record from the PlayFootball System.

How to Create a Participant record

Please ensure that you are creating a participant record for yourself and linking your child to your account through family management or the registration process 

Step 1: Log into the Let's PlayFootball system

Step 2: Select the profile button underneath your name 

Step 3: Select Create My Participant Record

If this is your first time creating a participant record please fill out all of the information required on this page 

If you are obtaining a previous account on PlayFootball please follow these steps 

Step 1: If you have had an account on PlayFootball select "Yes" to obtain this account.

Step 2: Input the following details that would match to your PlayFootball Account and Search

Step 3: Input the code that has been sent to the email associated with the account you are obtaining and verify (To obtain your previous account ensure that the box is selected to link this record)