Quick Summary

Club User access will  provide access to the Play Football Club Administrator Portal, this portal will be used for any administration tasks related to: 

 Club  Football 





Key Notes

  • This Portal can be access using the following link >>>>>> https://admin.playfootball.com.au/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
  • A User Account can have one  or more User Roles assigned to it, that gives the ability to carry out different tasks, and/or access different parts of the administration site. Any  number of User Accounts can be created within an Organisation. For example, a Club  may wish to set up a different User to manage participants or a club treasurer settling the club’s finances. 

Steps to Completion


NOTE: Club Administration Access requires a DIFFERENT access to your 'MY Football Account'.


  1. A Club needs to have their first User Access created by the Parent Organisation (Association/Member Federation), FFA advises that the main User for each club should be assigned as the ‘Principal User’ as the system only allows for one principal user. 

  2. The User Maintenance screen lists all Users currently created within the organisation. To Edit a User, click the Edit link next to the User's name, or  to Add a New User, click