Quick Summary

How to add/edit user administration access

Key Notes

  •  A User is someone that can login to the Results Vault Administration website to carry out certain administrative tasks.
  •  A User Login account can have one or more ‘User Roles’ assigned to it, that gives the ability to carry out different tasks, and/or access different parts of the administration site.   
  • Any number of User Accounts can be created within an Organisation.
  •   The level of access provided is determined by the USER ROLES that have been selected for the ID.

Association Administrators 

  • Association administrators need to initially be setup by their parent organisation (Member Federations). 
  •   A ‘Principal User’ needs to be established within each association as the main Administrator.   
  • The Parent organisation (Member Federation) is to administer a ‘Principal user’ through the ‘other actions’ function.

Steps to Completion - How To Create or Edit a Login ID 

 Menu: Organisation> User List 

The User Maintenance screen lists all Users who have been granted login access to administer the organisation.

  1. To Edit a Login ID, click Edit icon (pencil) next to the User's name
  2. To Add a New User, click the [+ Add New User] link
  3. The Edit User screen displays



Each role is independent of each other – a  “Super User”(i.e. a user able to do everything) should be a member of all the  above roles. It is highly recommended that each Organisation has two Super Users, in the event one account is accidentally locked out the other” super user” can reset their account.  

If a user attempts to access a screen without being a member of the appropriate role they will be redirected to a ‘ No Access’ screen.


 Setting as User as a ‘Principal User’ Automatically assigns all user roles to the User.