If you wish to make the teams you have created and finalised allocating players to Official, then please follow these steps. 

IMPORTANT: There is currently a bug when making teams official so please do not make them official until further notice

First, log into your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below. 

Admin Log In

Once logging in, click on "TEAMS" and then "Team Management".

Teams now exist under three different status, these are:

StatusMeaning...in short
  • Registrants can be allocated to the team with any registration status eg. pending status
  • Clubs can move registrants within the team allocation
Club says 'I'm still working out my team'
  • Only Active registrants can be allocated to a team
  • The team can only be moved to Locked when in the Official status
Club says 'My team allocation is sorted, it's ready to be locked'
  • The team is locked by the Association
  • Only Governing bodies can amend team allocations
Association says 'This team is locked in for the season...unless I want to change it'

Once clicking on "Team Management" you can review the status of your teams under 'STATUS'.

This is the expected process for managing Team allocation for a competition will run per this example:

1PreparationTeams are created for the new season (rolled over/created/adjusted)
2PreparationThe Association (Comp Admin) communicates a deadline for all teams to be ‘Made Official’. Note: this is communicated in training to clubs, not through the system
3AllocationParticipants register
4AllocationPlayers are allocated to a team
5AllocationNon-Players are allocated to a team
6AllocationTeams are now held in a ‘Draft’ status
7Team Locking(in advance of deadline day) Teams need to be made ‘Official’ by the club. This means all registrants now need to be made active
8Team LockingThe Association will then ‘Lock’ the teams, preventing any movement of registrants within the teams by the Club Admin. Associations can amend teams as normal
9Auto RemovalAny de-registrations of members in the team will automatically remove the member from the team

Once you are satisfied with the allocation of your teams, you can either make them official in bulk or individually.

TIP: Teams cannot be made un-Official please ensure you are selecting the correct team before performing this action

To bulk 'Make Official', tick the box next to the teams you wish to make official. Once you have selected all your teams click on "Please select bulk action...", select "Make Official" and the clicl "Go". 

To make your teams official individually or incrementally, click on the pencil edit icon next to the team you wish to make official and then click "Make Official". 

Management of De-Registered registrants allocated to a team

Registrants allocated to a team who subsequently de-register will automatically be removed from the team

If you have issues performing this, you can either submit a support ticket by clicking here or using our contact details below.

  • Email: support@playfootball.com.au
  • Telephone: 02 8880 7983
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 10am - 5:30pm