1.1 Admins can now search for a participant using a phone number. Located under the People module.

The search will return a participant if the phone number is present in any phone number field in the participant record, including work and emergency contacts





1.2 Addition of a Product Report (Reports > Registration > Product Summary Report) for all Administrator levels

The report provides the breakout of available club Products for the Reg Period and their links to FFA/Member Fed/Association Reg Types. 

Under each Product you are provided with:

  • count of registrations (by status)
  • club Product fee
  • total fees collected against the Product (Active registrations only)

Member Federations and Associations can use the Association and Club drop downs to drill-down to specific clubs



Note: Fee values do not show discount deductions

1.3 Fix to the Registration tab in the Person Edit Modal where users as Member Fed/Association level could not see (or process the registration action)




1.4 Tidy up of the password reset email to improve the presentation of the email address name in the body of the email. Previously the email was concatenated to other text.


1.5 Fix of an intermittent issue where some clubs could not access the Products and Teams migration option in Admin


1.6 Fix to allow participants to access the ITC module in the Participant Portal