If you wish to add a new additional question or edit existing ones, then please follow these steps.

First, log in to your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below. 


Once logging in, click on "PEOPLE", click "Custom Persons Lists" and then "Custom Fields Management". Click on "Add New Custom Field" to create a new additional question or the pencil 'Edit' icon to edit an existing one. 

Fill in the required details for the custom you wish to create/edit.

NameCategories your question i.e. Volunteer (optional).

Description:  Is where you enter your question, i.e. Would you like to volunteer for canteen duty?

Type: Answer Options - text box ,drop down-list, checkbox list, etc.

Options : Answer response - i.e. check box / drop down box list = ' yes,no,maybe'.

Role Sub- Role - Select the roles relevant to question.

Sort Order - Questions will appear in this order for the Signup Form selection.

Once you are satisfied with your question, click on the tick 'Save' icon. 

Now that you have made your additional questions, you must link them to your signup forms that you have created. Click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Signup Form Management". 

Click on "+ Add Registration Form" to create a new a signup form or the 'Edit' icon to edit an existing form. 

Scroll down to 'Other Fields'. You will see the additional questions you have created under 'Available Fields'. Highlight the questions you wish to be available for this signup form, click on the arrow icon to bring it across to 'Selected Fields' and fill in both the 'Display Name' & 'Group Name'. 

Once all questions that you wish to be available are under 'Selected Fields', then click "Save". 

If you have issues performing this, you can either submit a support ticket using the following link https://support.playfootball.com.au/support/tickets/new or using our contact details below.