1. Click on "Add Question"

Click on "Add Question"

2. Select the question type

Select the question type

3. Input question (Write the question in the "Question Text" field)

Input question

4. Select whether question is mandatory for your participants to answer (Select "Yes" if the question is mandatory or "No" if the question is optional)

Select whether question is mandatory for your participants to answer

5. Click on "Toggle Preview" (Once you have created your question you can preview it)

Click on "Toggle Preview"

6. Preview question

Preview question

7. Click on "Edit" to return

Click on "Edit" to return

8. Click on "Add Question" (For each additional question)

Click on "Add Question"

9. Click on Selection (Yes/No)

Click on Selection (Yes/No)

10. Input question (Write the question in the "Question Text" field)

Input question

11. Click on "Add Question" (For each additional question)

Click on "Add Question"

12. Click on "Selections"

Click on "Selections"

13. Input Question

Input Question

14. Input the Max number of Selections (This indicates the number of answers participants can 

select when answering question)

Input the Max number of Selections

15. Type in answers e.g u6,u7,u8,u9 etc

Type in answers e.g u6,u7,u8,u9 etc

16. Click on "Toggle Preview"

Click on "Toggle Preview"

17. Check "Dropdown"

Check "Dropdown"

18. Click on "Toggle Preview"

Click on "Toggle Preview"