1. Click on "Sign In"

Click on "Sign In"

2. Click on "Find a Product"

Click on "Find a Product"

3. Click on "Details"

Click on "Details"

4. Click on "Register"

Click on "Register"

5. Select "Myself"

Select "Myself"

6. Select the applicable participant record listed in the history check

Select the applicable participant record listed in the history check

7. Click on "Use Record"

Click on "Use Record"

8. Confirmation message "Use record successfully" will appear

Confirmation message "Use record successfully" will appear

9. Click on "Continue"

Click on "Continue"

10. Review the relevant Terms and Conditions

Review the relevant Terms and Conditions

11. Select "I agree to these Terms and Conditions"

Select "I agree to these Terms and Conditions"

12. Click on "Continue"

Click on "Continue"

13. Click on "Start"

Click on "Start"

14. Click on "Save participant"

Click on "Save participant"

15. "Eligibility Breach" notification will appear with the reason provided

"Eligibility Breach" notification will appear with the reason provided

16. Click "Ignore, Continue Registration"

Click "Ignore, Continue Registration"