1. Click on "Profile"

Click on "Profile"

2. Click on "Linked Participants"

Click on "Linked Participants"

3. Click on "Link Participant"

Click on "Link Participant"

4. Enter all Participant Details

Enter all Participant Details

5. Click on "Search" once details have been inputted

Click on "Search" once details have been inputted

6. Select Record to link

Select Record to link

7. Click on Link Account

Click on Link Account

8. Code will be sent to participants email address

Code will be sent to participants email address

9. Click on Verify (With the appropriate verification code)

Click on Verify

10. Participant will now appear as linked

Participant will now appear as linked

11. Click on Registration Types

Click on Registration Types

12. Select on 3 dot menu icon next to relevant registration type

Select on 3 dot menu icon next to relevant registration type

13. Click on View Details

Click on View Details

14. Select relevant club (Clubs who are using this registration type will appear)

Select relevant club

15. Click on Product you are wanting to register to


Click on Product you are wanting to register to

16. Click on View Details

Click on View Details

17. Click on Registration on behalf

Click on Registration on behalf

18. Click on linked participant

Click on linked participant

19. Click on Use Record

Click on Use Record

20. Click on Use record successfully.

Click on Use record successfully.