An International Transfer Certificate (ITC) is required for every player aged 10 years or older, who are registering in Australia for the first time. It is only necessary for those who have previously been registered and played in another country, and applies to both amateur and professional players. ITCs are a FIFA requirement, ensuring that players are not under contract, or have been suspended. This requirement applies even if the player is an Australia citizen, or has been previously registered in Australia, before playing overseas. 

An ITC request must be processed by the Member Federation and Football Australia, before the club can approve the registration. In order to facilitate the processing of an ITC, players a required to send additional documents to the Member Federation to support their ITC request. Once the Member Federation has verified the documents against the ITC request, they can approve the request.  


  1. 1. Sign into PlayFootball Admin. 


  1. 2. Select ‘Approvals’ on the left-hand menu.  


  1. 3. Identify the ITC request you would like to process and click on the 3 vertical dots on the right to show ‘Inspect this submission’. Select this option.  


  1. 4. Confirm that you have received all relevant documents from the participant, and that the details of the request match the details in the documents provided. 


  1. 5. After you have verified the documents provided, and the details of the ITC request, select ‘Approve’ at the bottom of the screen.  


  1. 6. Once approved, the request will be marked as ‘Approved’.  


Once you approve the ITC request, it will move to Football Australia, who will then complete the final steps in processing the request. After the request has gone through, the participant will be prompted to pay the registration fee, and the club can approve the registration.  

PLEASE NOTE: where a minor is born in a country other than Australia and is registering to play football for the first time, the ITC process will still be triggered. There are two instances where this may happen: 

  1. When a minor, born in a country other than Australia, is aged between 10 and 18 and is registering to play for the first time. 
  2. When a minor, born in a country other than Australia, turns 10, after playing the previous season in Australia.  

In these instances, the participant is not required to send any additional documents to you (the Member federation). Instead, you will be required to approve these requests before it is finalised by Football Australia.