Quick Summary
A Registration Type is a means of categorising registrations into a specific group and defining the fee that must be paid when a player is registered.
Key Notes
- When an Association creates a derived Registration Type they must select the parent Organisation Type from which the new Type will inherit. The Parent Type will determine the broadest possible age restrictions for the new type and the fee that the State Body must pay to the National Governing Body for each player registered.
- A Registration Type can be configured to apply different fees to each sub age group specified by the Parent Type. This allows Associations to offer special prices to certain groups of members while retaining the registration structure set by the State Body.
- Selecting the parent type relevant to the registration age group you are creating fees that will inherit a master type, some of the fields are not editable
Steps to Completion
- Registration Type details
- Registration Type Classification & Restrictions
- Pricing
- Selecting 'Add Price' with prompt a pop up menu option for Organisations to add Fees.
- A Registration Type can be configured to apply different fees to subgroup of the age group specified by the Parent Type. This allows Associations to offer special prices to certain groups of members while retaining the registration structure set by the State Body.
- A list of fees for this Registration Type is displayed at the bottom of the Registration Type Edit page.
- To change the details of a fee, click the corresponding Edit .
- End User Displays
Organisation Disclaimer (T&Cs) to be created prior to creating Registration Type
Menu: Registration> Disclaimer> Add/Edit Disclaimer
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- Email: support@playfootball.com.au
- Telephone: 02 8880 7983
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