If you are a club administrator wishing to initiate a de-registration for one of your club members, then please follow these steps.
First, log into your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below.
Once logging in, click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Registration Management".
Search the participant that you wish to de-register using their name or FFA number, then click "Display Registrations".
Once you have searched for them, tick the box next to their name and then click on the box above "Please select bulk action..".
Select "De-Register" then click "Go.
Select the reason and if need be, fill in the 'Comment' section for recordkeeping, then click "Submit".
The participant's sub status has now been updated to 'De-reg Requested'.
An email will be sent to the participant's listed email address informing them of the de-registration and how to acknowledge it. They will have 7 days to acknowledge it and if they do not, then the request is automatically approved and sent to the association for final approval.