1.1 ID Card report has been reinstated to the Registration Management bulk action listing.
1.2 NSW Active Kids Voucher code entry will automatically remove any spaces in the discount code. Users were pasting the code into the discount claim area with spaces resulting in a rejection error.
1.3 Restrictions have been placed on the data that can be updated via the browser autofill in the registration process. This has been done specifically to prevent a parent from using autofill and inadvertently changing the information about their child/other to the parent’s information inc First Name and Surname (Freshdesk 101771)
1.4 (Member Federations + Associations only) The ability to merge has been introduced for governing bodies to perform and report on participant record merges. Please review this guide for more information and the video guide is provided HERE
1.5 Issue resolved where ID cards could not be individually exported from the ID card report (Member Fed + Association level). The ID card report now exports ID cards individually for card printing (Freshdesk 102485)
1.6 Issue resolved where the Student Discount tick box was not appearing for certain registrants preventing the Student Discount from being deducted from the registration fee (Freshdesk 100528)
1.7 Issue resolved when the Admin Principle User level is granted the system was deleting the user and preventing a new user account from being created (Freshdesk 100178)
1.8 Issue resolved in the registration process where an existing user’s photo was not correctly ‘sized’ in the screen. The photo was disproportionately taking up most of the screen area and making it difficult for the user to continue registration (Freshdesk 101543)
1.9 Issue resolved where the max purchases in the Product setup could not be set to a blank (ie a number had to be added). Products can now be saved with max purchases field as blank (Freshdesk 101692)
1.10 Issues resolved where Reg Dates have been applied at the Association level, including a Lock Date, however when performing a De-reg request, the Lock Date is not being applied properly (Freshdesk 95628)