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Contact Support


Participant - Has My Club Opened Registrations Yet?
Quick summary If you are looking to see when your clubs registrations have opened, please use the following steps or options to find out if your club is ac...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 3:32 PM
Participant - Wait Listed Registration Products
Quick Summary If you are looking to understand what a "waitlisted" product is and how you can enable this option please read the following inform...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 3:31 PM
Participant - DRIBL - Associations
Quick summary This article indicates which associations are currently using DRIBL as a competition provider. All DRIBL competition platform queries shoul...
Thu, 26 May, 2022 at 11:24 AM
Participant - Terms And Conditions
Quick summary This article outlines the new terms and conditions presented to participants during the registration process. The terms and conditions c.onsi...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:41 PM
Participant - How To Self-Register On Play Football
Quick summary If you are looking to register for the upcoming season, please use the following steps to guide you on how you can successfully perform a reg...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:27 PM
Participant - Product Selected Is Invalid
Quick Summary Trying to register for a product and receiving this error message? This is because you already have a CLUB FOOTBALL registration. Key Not...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:18 PM
Participant - How To Perform A Registration On Behalf Of Someone
Quick summary If you are looking to register, please use the following steps to perform a registration. Key Notes All registrations are approved by e...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:16 PM
Participant - What To Do If A De-Registration Has Been Submitted, But No Longer Needed (Player)
Quick Summary  If you initiated a de-registration request or your club has initiated it, however, you no longer wish for the de-registration to go ahead i....
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:10 PM
Participant - How To Change My Name And/Or Date Of Birth (DOB)
Quick Summary To change your name or DOB, you will need to contact Play Football Support as you will not be able to edit your name or DOB once you have cre...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:09 PM
Participant - No Products - No Relevant Products Are Appearing For Me
Quick Summary Please contact your club directly, this means that the registration products available for you are now closed or they may not be set up. Y...
Tue, 7 Jun, 2022 at 2:00 PM