User Registration Process
1. 1 Extensive updates to the adjustment of the 'Profile Claim' process, this is connecting the registrant's Football Account to their existing registration profile to prevent record duplication. Further information on this area can be seen HERE
1. 2 Hide the Student discount check box when a Student discount does not apply to the Registrant.
The Student discount option will only show to the user when either of the following are set:
- Price entry in any Reg Type that links to the Product (Member Fed/Association)
- Student Discount is linked to the Product (Club)
1.3 Automatically update the registrant fee ‘shopping cart’ when Student and/or Professional check box is ticked. Previously the user had to select the ‘Update Shopping Cart’ button to apply the price changes, often leading to discounts being missed.
1.4 Alterations to the Club Landing page to allow a quicker progression for the user to the Product select page. Product information and dropdowns created an additional frustrating step for the user, these are now removed.
Existing text on this screen has been updated:
- Includes mention of ‘Debit Card’, where previously only ‘Credit Card’ was mentioned
- Removal of the 10mins expectation for completion of registration. This expectation created a lot of feedback from both sides ie ‘it takes a lot longer than 10mins’ and ‘why say 10mins, it took me much less’
1.5 Removal of the Product filters on the Product select screen. Improves the user experience of quickly selecting their Product by scrolling down the Product list which is filtered to the age and gender of the person being registered.
1.6 Visual Update to the Product Details on the Product select screen (desktop). The presentation of the Product information (Role, Type, Age, Level) is presented horizontally for clearer reading.
1.7 Allow vouchers and coupons to be deducted when the user opts to pay later. Users are still required to enter/take the voucher or coupon prior to concluding the registration.
1.8 Addition of Home Language question to registrant for the purpose of obtaining a clearer identification of a registrant’s ethnicity. The registrant is asked ‘Is English your primary language spoken at home?’, if they answer no to this question then the registrant is prompted to select from a list of languages.
1.9 The question ‘Please indicate if you have a disability’ default is now set to ‘Please Select’ where previously it was set as ‘None’. This is to ensure the question is accurately answered with future registrations
1.10 The gender selection options have been updated to include the selection options ‘Non-Binary/Gender fluid and Gender identity not sufficiently represented’. If either of these gender options are selected then the registrant will see both male, female and mixed products for selection.
1.11 The question ‘Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander’ has been updated to add a selection option of ‘I don not wish to provide this info’
1.12 The photo upload tool has been improved to make the manipulation of a photo much easier for the user, this is especially prevalent on mobile phone. A user can now easily rotate, re-size and re-position their photo to reach the desired ‘passport-style’ photo.
This tool has also been updated in the Participant portal and in the Person Edit modal in the Admin tool.
Note: Admins cannot immediately manipulate the photo in the Person Edit modal. Future enhancement has been identified for an Admin to access the zoom, placement and rotate tool immediately.
Person Edit Modal
1.13 Insertion of the registrant’s Team allocation for the current season
1.14 Insertion of the registrant’s Team allocation for prior seasons
This information is provided for a quick view of a registrant’s current and prior team allocation without needing to perform a lengthy reporting process
Note: All information provided here is from the Teams module. Information such as Playing Level and Football Type are derived from Team Edit, where the team is created/updated NOT from the registration information
1.15 Update to the Link/Block Accounts page on the Person Edit Modal to see the details of the Primary account linked to a profile (FFA ID, name, email and relationship of that person to the primary). Eg. A child’s profile will show the mother’s FFA ID, name, email and relationship as ‘Child’
Registration Management Page
1.16 Insertion of a new bulk action to mark a registrant as ‘Paid’ (Registration > Registration Management)
Previously this could only be managed incrementally from the Invoices screen.
The action of marking paid from the Registration Management screen will update the registrant’s status to Approval Required and update the payment status in the Invoices screen and Person Edit modal.
1.17 Insertion of a new bulk action on the Invoices screen
For Admins that prefer management of invoices from the Invoices screen, there is now a bulk payment function.
Admin User Access
1.18 (Member fed/Association) Reg Type Edit Manager user access level (Organisation > User List > Edit User). When ticked the user can amend Reg Types, when unticked the user can see Reg Types but not access them to perform any editing.
On release the user will default OFF for this setting. User will need to select the user role, save and refresh their access to amend reg types
Accreditation Level
1.19 The organisation accreditation level has been updated in Organisation > Organisation Details. This field is now called ‘Club Development Program Rating’ and has a one to five-star rating selection. This field is used for the new National Club Development Program.
Only National level (FFA) can amend the rating, all other organisations can view only
This rating will be used on a future release of the Football Finder on
ID card Reporting
1.20 New ID card report available for Member Federations, Associations and Clubs that have ID card reporting switched on by their governing body.
The report located in Reports > People section (must be in Management mode to see)
ID cards can be exported in two formats:
- Single ID card per file
- Multiple ID cards on single page
Governing Bodies can grant access to their clubs to print ID cards via Organisation > Organisation Details
1.21 ID cards have been re-formatted to export in a larger size and provide more information on the card, such as Association name.
The Admin can now choose the text to be presented at the top of each card in the export, previously this defaulted to the Reg Period and Football Type (eg 2019 Club Football)
NOTE: ID cards can only be printed for registrants allocated to a team
More info HERE
Payment Gateway Fee
1.22 The Payment gateway transaction fee has been reduced from 1.8% to 1.1%.
This change has occurred automatically and applies to all payments made as of 10.30am 16/12/2019
Team Management
1.23 Update to Team Management page (filtering by Team Group and Season, visual updates of team status*). This is helpful for clubs with a large amount of teams
1.24 Increased filtering of registrants in the squad allocation screen, these include prior team of allocation, school of registrant and if the registrant is not yet allocated to a team
1.25 Visual updates to the available players and allocated players to a team (allocation status and reg status) to help the Admin understand if a registrant has been allocated to a team AND their registration status
1.26 Reformat of non-players to a team to show their role within the team
1.27 A new *Team status workflow to progress teams through Draft to Official to Locked
1.28 Automatic removal of registrants from a team if they are de-registered
1.29 Team bulk allocation tool to view up to four teams and allocate/move registrants within the teams
1.30 Ability to ‘admin-down’ to clubs and teams within your own organisation level
1.31 Lock Teams by Football Type
Teams guides:
For Clubs HERE
For Associations HERE